DB Stuart Associates, Inc.

New DeltaV System
PRoVOX / EnVOX to DeltaV Migration

DB Stuart Associates would like the opportunity to assist your company with the information necessary to design, build, and install the latest DeltaV System from Emerson Automated Solutions (previously Monsanto's Fisher-Rosemount Systems).

My contracting assistance comes in many forms:

Migrating you existing PRoVOX system to DeltaV including creating documents, building DeltaV Base Build of all control modules, converting FSTs to control modules, Equipment modules and Phases, converting Operations to Phases, and converting Provue Procedues to DeltaV Unit Procedures, Procedures and Recipes;

or Creating a new Deltav System via plant documents: PI&Ds, Feed studies, Functional Design Specification (FRS), or Detail Design Specification (DDS). I can assist in creating FRS and DDS documents.

My goal is to implement DeltaV with minimum startup changes by understanding and testing the system throughly before customer acceptance (CAT). Implementation depends on your process continuous and batch operations (How you want to run your plant - Not how someone else thinks you should run your plant). My experience going back to 1974 with Monsanto working as a Process Control Engineer, installing in 1976 one of the first Direct Digital Control (Monsanto DDC) DCS Systems designed and manufactured by Monsanto, installing in 1979 the new PRoVOX Control system and in 1986 setting up my company to implement PRoVOX/EnVOX system, and in 1996 designing DeltaV systems.

My resume details all the projects I have either assisted in or created completely.

DeltaV History
Path from DCS to DeltaV

In the 60's, IBM created business computers, one of which was the IBM 1600. IBM quickly learned that it was easier for their customers to train accountants to be programmers than it was to train programmers to be accountants.

In 1961 Monsanto used an TRW Computer System to perform the first Digital Control System (DCS) to control a chemical process. Monsanto too, learning from this experience over the years that it is easier to train Process Control Engineers to be programmers than to train programmers to be Process Control Engineers. In the 70's and 80's, it was the practice to train Process Control Engineers to be programmers, specifically learning the language for DDC (Basic) and PRoVOX later. In the 90's this practice continued, teaching Process Control Engineers to program DeltaV.

Emerson's predecessor, Fisher-Rosemount Systems learned this lesson in the late 80's when it partnered with IBM to design and developed DeltaV. It was a failure. Bringing in "Duncan" to take over the design and have people with process control experience design DeltaV was a success.

Coming back to today, the number of Process Control Engineers has been declining over the years and the number of engineers who primarily want to be programmers has been increasing. The result, a larger number of engineers now work as programmers for Emerson and the LBPs (Emerson's Impact Local Business Partners) who have no process control experience. This is especially true for the off-shore Emerson programmers.

This is the "Skills GAP". Companies are having trouble finding and replacing process control people who are retiring. Productivity in plant processes is taking place in the new digital instruments and DeltaV controllers.

Today, you the customer have to work harder to get the control system you desire by overseeing and working close with the DeltaV programmers. In most cases, the Emerson and LBP's end up designing the simple, straight forward system for implementation. It is left up to the customer to implement the controls to make your system safe and efficient to detecting problems when running normally, detecting potential problems during emergencies and insuring correct downloads during "Cold ReStarts".

One means to offset this early in the design or migration process is to developed a FDS (Functional Design Specification) or DDS (Detail Design Specification) document. Let us help you develop the correct documents for implementation of a DeltaV System. And then let us implement the DeltaV System for you.

We will document your process and migrate to DeltaV as an Apple to Apple comparison. We will create the migration with your desired "END" result in mind. Once migrated, DeltaV has many opportunities for creative improvements: predictive control, optimizing control, enhancing performance and providing more information to the operators. We can provide training to help your engineers acquire the "right skills". We can provide training on DeltaV for the operators to adapt to the process on the DeltaV consoles.

Submit a confidentially agreement for us to sign, protecting your data. Submit the "cdv" files of the project to migrate. We will protect your process design data contained in the "cdv" files. We will then generate the data necessary for a proposal (Documentation or Documentation and Migration to DeltaV) and provide examples of the data and documents we will provide.

PRoVOX and DeltaV are trademarks of Emerson Process Management
